Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Critical analysis of the Texas Youth Commission's response to a crisis

Links to press releases on TYC site:
Press release: March 1, 2007:http://www.tyc.state.tx.us/news/newTYCActingExecDir.html

Statement to employees March 1, 2007:http://www.tyc.state.tx.us/news/newTycChairmanStmt.html

Dallas Morning News Feb. 18, 2007:

If the TYC did anything right, it was that they directly addressed their employees about their situation, even though it lacked any information whatsoever. Also, the Dallas Morning News had published the story 11 days before the TYC had made any type of statement on their website! Why on earth would they have waited this long to make a statement to their employees and to the press? The March 1 news release actually has a quote that says, “It became clear this week we couldn't wait another day to set a new course,” said the new Board Chairman Don Bethel. Did you really have to wait for this week to make it clear to you?

Also, as if it could get any worse, the news releases don't directly address the situation. They kind of go around it by saying they have elected a new board chairman and executive director. They give all sorts of background information on the new executive director and they give a few quotes on how they are changing the way things are run at TYC. The statement is very broad and general.

Upon further investigation, no immediate steps are taken to prevent abuse at the center until March 6, where they activated a "youth abuse hotline". This occurred 2 weeks after the story is originally published.
Finally, on March 16, 2007 the TYC's Acting Executive Director Ed Owens presented his "Rehabilitation Plan" to the TYC board on March 16, 2007 which addressed all the things he had done and will continue to do to insure that TYC is safe. This informations seems geniune and organized.

The tone the news release gives is a lack of sympathy or embarrassment that this happened at their center. They just don't sound genuine.

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